First And foremost we see ourselves as being here for all the folk of Battlesbridge
– those with any faith, or none.
We believe that Jesus Christ was the Man for all Men and Women and that none need feel outside his love or care.
This love was shown in its fullness by his giving of himself on Calvary.
Its power comes to us by the Holy Spirit and makes available to us a more fulfilling life.
This is the Gospel we proclaim and we invite all to share the blessing it brings.
Thank you Lord for……..
Help me, Lord, to show my gratitude in both deed and word.
Lord, I am sorry………
Hasty words and actions, unkindness. Their possible effect on those around me.
Lord, I am worried……
For others; for myself. Help me to trust your love; to act and speak as you would want; to wisdom to know when not to interfere. Calm my fears!
Lord, I pray for……
My family and friends. My neighbours, awkward or otherwise, wherever they are. Those who are ill andthose who are troubled.
Bless each prayer, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen